5 Tips for Healthy Eyes


5 Tips for Healthy Eyes
June 27, 2022

5 Tips for Healthy Eyes

Our eyes work for us full time every single day; in a single glance, they connect with our brain to tell us the size, shape, color, and texture of everything that we look at.

They allow us to recognize things, to read, to watch, to observe, to work and to explore the world around us.

Taking care of our vision is important because it can be damaged over time, especially if we spend the day in front of a computer screen or we do a job that requires good eyesight. So here there are 5 simple but very efficient ways to make your eyes happy and to keep your vision in good shape:

1. Have a healthy lifestyle: eat well, sleep enough and do physical activities. There are a lot of nutritious foods that can really make a big difference and make your eyes feel good. These include oranges, carrots, nuts, leafy greens and fish. If you want to find out more about eye care and nutrition, we suggest you read this article from the blog. And remember: a healthy lifestyle will have a positive effect on almost every aspect of your life.

2. Check your vision regularly. Most doctors recommend complete eye exams at least once every two to three years. However, based on the results of your screening, your eye doctor will recommend how often you should have eye exams. In addiction, you should have your eyes checked more often if you:

● Wear glasses or contact lenses;

● Have a family history of eye disease;

● Have other particular conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes;

● Experienced an eye surgery or injury.

3. Always wear high-quality sunglasses. Wearing good sunglasses will protect your eyes from dangerous elements such as UV rays, sand and dust. In addition, wearing sunglasses will help you see better in bright light because they reduce glare and improve the colors and contrast of your view If you are looking for a new pair of high-quality sunglasses, we invite you to have a look at our online shop at www.optifashion.com to find the best offers for you.

4. Don't overwear contact lenses. Your eyes receive oxygen from the air and wearing contacts for extended periods can significantly reduce the amount of oxygen your eyes receive. You may experience symptoms of dryness and irritation so it would be necessary to give your eyes a break from time to time by wearing glasses. For this reason, we suggest alternating between eyeglasses and contacts.

5. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. If you feel your eyes are tired during the day, you should start doing this simple exercise regularly: every 20 minutes spent using a screen, try to look away at something that is 20 meters away from you, for a total of 20 seconds. This will help you to relax your vision and it will make your eyes feel better.

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